Friday, June 29, 2012

Kids are funny sometimes

Yesterday morning I was babysitting for two of my favorite kiddos. The older of the two is one of my best little buddies, but he was having a really tough morning yesterday and we got off to a rough start. And since TS Debby has finally gotten out of the way of summer, we were going to have a picnic lunch on the porch. The boys sat in the living room to watch an episode of Octonauts while I prepped our yummy lunches, then I filled everyone's water cups and set up our food. I called the boys over and we went out onto the porch for our fun picnic. It was going swell, we had fun and giggled. Then the big boy asked for more "scrawberries, please!" so I got up to grab some. When I tried to open the door to get back in the house it wouldn't budge. Somehow we had gotten locked out.

I was feeling a little panicked, but I reminded myself that it must now be at least 11:30am and the parents would be home at 1:00pm. So I decided to be honest with the boys about my mistake, ration out our water-sips carefully and keep them engaged in playing as much as possible. Inside I felt like crying!

Central Florida summers are hot! Even on a shaded porch. I told the boys I was sorry we got locked out, the older one (3 1/2) let me know he was sorry too! The boys maintained a great attitude about the whole situation, and we had water sips every five minutes. The poor little guy got a dirty diaper about 45 minutes before we got let in and it broke my heart not to be able to help him out, but he didn't even get whiny. I think kids can tell when something is really out of your control.

However, I almost burst into tears when their mom was there to let us in! What a relief, my poor little buddies were getting hot. And I am thankful that they are a kind family who was very understanding about my little goof up -which I am still not sure about how I did!

The rest of yesterday afternoon was much more fun, my mom and brother got back from Miami and we went to Roadhouse together, where I did give in and eat two rolls. They are just too good to pass up. We went to bed, Bath and Beyond and got some great home goodies for Ricky and I with a giftcard the ladies at work had given me at the end of the school year, and then to Target to buy some of the items on the registry with a couple of checks that generous and loving family members had sent. Nesting is so much fun, I can't wait to get everything set up with Ricky.

Right now I am taking a little break from working on my paper in the library at school, so I need to get back to that now!

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