Saturday, July 21, 2012

Night before the wedding

It is the night before the wedding, well actually I guess the morning of since it is 3:34am, and I am sitting on the floor of the Comfort Inn DeLand trying not to disturb my maids while they sleep. I absolutely haven't been able to sleep tonight- and trust me I am exhausted! I am just so excited and ready for the day, at about 3am I couldn't stay laying down any longer. So here I am.

Boy! Has this weekend been a whirlwind. Everyone tells you that, but until it's your life you truly cannot imagine how quickly it really passes. I am so lucky to have such amazingly wonderful family and friends who have worked their tookuses off to make mine and Ricky's day special. Everyone is MVP.

When Ricky was looking a tad bit worn at the rehearsal, I took a moment to pull him aside and talk just us at dinner. I asked him if he was feeling okay, having fun with his guys, how tired he was, etc. He told me he was fine, just really ready for it to be tomorrow already! He is such a sweet guy and I am so lucky to have him.

Before the 2pm wedding we still have to put together the reception flower arrangements, get ready (my hair and make-up appointment is at 11am and I will finish just before one and then straight to the ceremony to finish getting ready) and some how, at some point, eat something!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kitchen Shower from the ladies of Stetson Baptist

I am so blessed! The ladies of Stetson Baptist threw me an amazing shower. Nicki was such a gracious hostess, who organized something awesome! It touched my heart to be prayed over, I think since the engagement the shower was maybe one of the first times I had heard someone pray for Ricky and I and our marriage. I teared up a little but luckily no one saw since we all had our heads bowed.

Nicki had matching invites, recipe cards, gift tags, and thank-yous made to match my kitchen colors for me:

(they didn't have the things blurred out in real life)
Cute Mint green invite

So, two of my most wanted items on the registry were two I least thought I was going to get. My kitchen-aid mixer and multi-clad Cuisinart cookware (basically this is a more affordable and often better rated version of AllClad). Nicki organized the shower so that each person contributed to a fund to buy me these items! Wow. What a blessing. I had seen in the registry (Nicki calls me a registry stalker, I am just not good at surprises, never have been), that the pots and pans had been bought a while before the shower- and I felt to blessed just by that. I teared up a little then and kept thinking how amazing it is to have such generous and wonderful people in your life. 

But I had no idea at all that I was getting the mixer too! I didn't even know the half of how blessed I really am. (I am sure I still don't know the half of it when we take so much for granted.)

There were so many wonderful ladies at the shower, ones who have known me my entire life and those who are new friends from the past few years. It is such a wonderful feeling to be loved on by so many people. Thank you to all!

Okay, now pictures (also courtesy of Nicki):

Moriah, me, and Mom

The gracious host Nicki and I

Table of cute and delicious offerings
My pots and pans!

A little teary

What's this? No Way...



Cake Cutting

VBS and my last week as Assistant Nursery Coordinator

VBS was July 9-13th and boy was it an awesome, fun, long, and tiring week!

On Monday we had pancakes, painted with sidewalk paint, went for a walk and had a yummy blueberry themed snack for blue day.
Sidewalk chalk painting

Holder and I

On Tuesday we had Red day. Yummy strawberry smoothies, Peanut-butter and Jelly muffins and fun!
Me, Holder B, Mandy, and Miler
Red is Holder's favorite color!

The whole nursery gang ready for VBS morning rally

On Wednesday it was yellow day. We had banana muffins and a good time!
Me and Holder by the swings

On Thursday it was orange day. We had peaches and goldfish and we made awesome butterfly sun-catchers.
Holder and I

Miller and Holder. Love those boys!

Our awesome nursery staff!

Friday was green day and the end of a long week! We went on a nature walk, and had a yummy snack with kiwi.

What a week we had!

Sunday the 15th was my last day in the Nursery as Assistant Coordinator. I got a little teary when Amy gave me the pretty plant that Hannah picked out and the handprint card the kids had made. I am going to miss them. 


After the busy weekend we had a few days in Georgia with family (and a splash of friends!). It was a little hard being away when I knew how much there was to get done at home, but I am glad we got to go for a bit. One of the main reasons we headed up there was to drop Moriah off at camp, every summer since she was 7 or 8 she has gone to Winshape summer camp. It is an amazing place run by Chick-fil-a, Moriah is on a first name basis with Trudy Cathy. So on Sunday July 1st we dropped Mo off at camp. Then Mom, Dakota and I spent several day doing things with my seven-year-old cousin Elijah who is going the be the ring- bearer at the wedding. He is fun but exhausting (as almost any kid that age is). Over all it was a nice trip with lots of bowling, family and a few fireworks.
My cousin Chris with his Sparkler

Elijah and Dakota

Dakota and I being silly

Cousins and Mark's girlfriend for Christmas in July

On Tuesday night we also had an opportunity to go and spend sometime with great friends who just recently moved to the ATL metro area. Jeff and Melody Dowdy are awesome folks! Jeff was the youth pastor at our church for a very long time, starting when I was in 8th grade, he was my initial choice for the wedding and their family has been a huge part of our lives. Even though they had only been gone a couple weeks, it was great to visit for a while. :)
Me, Jeff, and Dakota

A Busy Weekend

Hello World!

What a busy weekend I had June 28-30th.

On Friday, I spent basically all day in the library and finished up my paper! It is now totally complete and emailed in to my professors, I am waiting to hear back from them on a date to defend my paper. After my paper was all taken care of, I needed to go home and change to get ready for the first premarital counseling session for Ricky and me. It went great, I know we made the right choice of minister for us. We were very comfortable with him and the conversation was easy but insightful. One of the rules already laid down is fine by me: After marriage, dating must continue. I like the sound of that. I am excited for our session next week, when we will go deeper into a discussion of Real Love.

After our counseling session we rushed off to the cheesecake factory to meet my family and Ben for Ben's birthday dinner. Even though it took Ricky an hour to park with how busy it was, it was really fun.

Ricky and I at Cheesecake Factory

On Saturday morning we had my bridal shower thrown by Mrs. Diane. It was so lovely, so many sweet ladies showed up and we had a great time. Moriah and my mom had planned some cute little shower games, my mom did a version of the newlyweds game- where she had emailed Ricky some really tough questions that I had to guess the answers too. That was a little daunting, since I just don't like being put on the spot ever. But it was still fun. And boy am I blessed. I received so many wonderful gifts from our family friends. Ricky and I now have an awesome new vacuum, as well as many wonderful things for our kitchen.

Le Creuset salt and butter crocks!

Right after the shower we ran home, loaded up the car and drove up to Atlanta. So Sunday, June 30th was a long day!

Since, I started the draft of this post over two weeks ago, I am just going to call it done. :)

Friday, June 29, 2012


Some oldies but goodies:

Christine found this in my photobooth while using my computer once:

To which she replied (but I didn't find until a few weeks later):

But paper writing today makes me feel more like this:

Than This:

Kids are funny sometimes

Yesterday morning I was babysitting for two of my favorite kiddos. The older of the two is one of my best little buddies, but he was having a really tough morning yesterday and we got off to a rough start. And since TS Debby has finally gotten out of the way of summer, we were going to have a picnic lunch on the porch. The boys sat in the living room to watch an episode of Octonauts while I prepped our yummy lunches, then I filled everyone's water cups and set up our food. I called the boys over and we went out onto the porch for our fun picnic. It was going swell, we had fun and giggled. Then the big boy asked for more "scrawberries, please!" so I got up to grab some. When I tried to open the door to get back in the house it wouldn't budge. Somehow we had gotten locked out.

I was feeling a little panicked, but I reminded myself that it must now be at least 11:30am and the parents would be home at 1:00pm. So I decided to be honest with the boys about my mistake, ration out our water-sips carefully and keep them engaged in playing as much as possible. Inside I felt like crying!

Central Florida summers are hot! Even on a shaded porch. I told the boys I was sorry we got locked out, the older one (3 1/2) let me know he was sorry too! The boys maintained a great attitude about the whole situation, and we had water sips every five minutes. The poor little guy got a dirty diaper about 45 minutes before we got let in and it broke my heart not to be able to help him out, but he didn't even get whiny. I think kids can tell when something is really out of your control.

However, I almost burst into tears when their mom was there to let us in! What a relief, my poor little buddies were getting hot. And I am thankful that they are a kind family who was very understanding about my little goof up -which I am still not sure about how I did!

The rest of yesterday afternoon was much more fun, my mom and brother got back from Miami and we went to Roadhouse together, where I did give in and eat two rolls. They are just too good to pass up. We went to bed, Bath and Beyond and got some great home goodies for Ricky and I with a giftcard the ladies at work had given me at the end of the school year, and then to Target to buy some of the items on the registry with a couple of checks that generous and loving family members had sent. Nesting is so much fun, I can't wait to get everything set up with Ricky.

Right now I am taking a little break from working on my paper in the library at school, so I need to get back to that now!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Excited and Exhausted

Start with positives:

Finish my paper this week! A two year monkey off my back, sounds good!

Going to get our marriage license tomorrow. :)

Bridal shower are my mama's bestie's house. I am really excited but a little nervous too. No idea what to expect and I have no clue what to wear. I know it will be fun though, I have to stop worrying. Diane's daughter, Taryn, went to pastry school and is making my cake. And while I don't know yet I am sure she will have something fun for the shower too!

And... another bridal shower the week before the wedding. Nicki, our close family friend and the wife of our pastor is throwing it for me, and I am very excited! She is an excellent entertainer, a detail obsessor like yours truly. She and one of my favorite Nursery mama's Aja are working together. Aja is so much fun, I hope I can still be a zippy as she is when I am a mama (Her boys are also some of the world's greatest kids). So I am really excited about it.

My wedding is only 25 days away! The most exciting thing of all.

Reasons for exhaustion/stress:

My Wedding is 25 days away! There is so much still to be done: decorations, figuring out flower stuff, payments, and who even knows what else.

Finishing this paper, I am such a thinker but not really an academic. It's like pulling teeth. I am also afraid that my professors will once again think my paper is not good enough and I will be in the same place I was in May 2011. But, I don't need to think about that.

I am so broke. :/

My mom and brother left town on Sunday. This left me as sole guardian for my 14 year old sister. 14 year olds are exhausting. Especially when you are trying to get them ready for a convention and a camp and get last minute items, pack everything, explain why some wardrobe selections are unwise all while being loving and patient. I am really glad Ricky and I want to wait a bit for kids. I need a bit more patience first I think! Luckily, she isn't too bad of a gal- and she headed off for FFA convention this morning!

All this rain freaks me out, and my mom's bathroom ceiling began leaking Sunday night.

Since I hit the one month till the wedding mark, I haven't been able to sleep. Like maybe 8 hours of deep sleep in the past 4 days. This has to stop, any tips are appreciated.

I tried on my dress last Thursday and it was a little too small! Mega diet mode right now. I am thinking it may be from starting the pill? They say that makes a lot of people gain weight.

So here is where I am at: Keep Calm and Carry On...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I know it's been a while...

Hello World!

I know it has been quite a long time since my last post, but my world has been a whirlwind!

You know that paper I was writing about in my first post? I am half-way done now and will be finally graduating in July.

Which brings me to some other exciting news: I am getting married in July! On the 21st, I will marry the greatest guy I have ever known. I know what you are thinking, wow that's fast. And it has been a really quick engagement.
There are a few reasons Ricky and I decided to have a short engagement:
 1) when you know you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
2) Ricky has some black-out dates at work when he cannot take off more than a day at a time. This was a problem because it was really important to us to go on our honeymoon as soon as we got married.
3) My job ended at the beginning of June, and getting married in July will put us in less of a lurch for me to find a new job.

I am so excited about being married to Ricky, I can hardly wait the 32 days that remain. We were engaged on April 22. You can find out more about our proposal and such at our weddin' website:

Our wedding is going to be in a rustic chic sort of style, and I have had a really good time planning with my mama. It has been stressful, and there have been some little snafus- but I have heard this is true of every wedding. So I am just rolling with it. After all if we end up married and have a good time with our friends and family, what more is there?

For our honeymoon we are going on a 5 day Caribbean cruise and I am so excited. I have always wanted to go on a cruise, and it should be perfect for a honeymoon. Since everything is included we won't have to worry about anything, which sounds pretty good to me.

More to come about this soon! And I am sure I will have much more fun stuff to blog once I am wed!

Monday, April 2, 2012

A nice weekend

Hello World!

I had a really great weekend and I hope you did too!

On Thursday evening I had a quiet night at home and read. I read all evening, and really enjoyed The Hunger Games. I just started the second book today.

On Friday after work I met up with my sweet friend Elly. We went to a great local ice cream place called the sweet spot and had delicious cool treats while we caught up some. We spent about three to five hours of quality time a week together last year, and this year I have definitely had a dearth of Elly. So it was great just to sit and talk about nothing at all. Then I hit to road to head over to Orlando and spend time with my honey. When I got to Orlando, he and I went through the usual argument (the only one we have really) Where do we want to eat? I don't care whatever you want is fine with me, okay well I want whatever you want. Well you pick, no you pick. So there you go. Finally he made a decision, and mislead me about what it was, and then we drove off in the car and ended up at a Tex-Mex place I love called Amigos. It was delicious as always. I had a chicken and chorizo quesadilla, it was meaty goodness. We went back home and watched an episode of the BBC robin hood, which I thought was stupid and called it an early night.

Saturday morning we headed out to lovely downtown Winter Park. I wanted to check out the farmer's market, which was great but a little overwhelming. We'll have to go with a little more of a plan next time. I got some delicious yellow tomatoes and we moved on. We walked back in forth on park ave. Looked into a neat shop selling tea and spices that had some really neat stuff but was far out of our price range and then finally chose a place to have a meal. The Winter Park Shipyard Brew pub is basically on Rollins campus and was walking distance. It has a really nice seaside fresh atmosphere and the food was very tasty. Not the best brews ever, but that is a-ok. We had a nice dinner at home, I made yummy little drop cookies and we watched the history channel's " How Beer Saved the World." It was pretty interesting/ hilarious.

Post about Sunday and today in just a bit. :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Long week

The week after Spring Break is the worst. It just feels so long and exhausting.

On Monday, work was long. Then my family went to Moe's. After coming home I got to cook a quiche my mom volunteered to make while she and my sister went to be extras in the movie filming in town. I also made one of our favorites- chicken, broccoli and cheese casserole- so that we could eat it for lunch this week. Then I forgot to bring it to school on Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday, school felt less long because I had come up with a pretty good to-do list on Monday. However, after school I was exhausted. So I took a quick nap. When I got up I rushed out to meet Christine for Pilates. When we had walked to the gym, we were the only ones who had shown up for class and our instructor only lead class for about 20 minutes. So that was a bummer. But oh well.

The nursery tonight was just what I needed though. It was so nice to be with those little ones I love so much and my friends Christine and Amy. It's funny how rejuvenating that job can feel to me. Even when the boys are acting like it's Lord Of The Flies - some of those kids can get really rough!

Hopefully, I can write a more interesting post tomorrow! I just got my copy of the Hunger Games and am already almost 100 pages in. Don't judge! It's very compelling stuff.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Excitement dead ahead!

I just got the tickets for my bestie and I to attend the fan preview night of Titanic 3D, and can barely contain myself. Not only that but Mad Men returns tonight and I am just an all around happy girl.

The nursery this morning was completely exhausting after my babysitting job last night. I love all those kiddos so much. I love spending time playing with them but when I am tired they are really really exhausting. I think it is good practice in patience for when I hopefully have some little sweeties of my own.

I am excited for Ricky's friends' (who have become my friends too) wedding. He went home this weekend to get fitted for his tux, since he is a groomsman. He will be in lavender- which is sure to be cute. Spring brings good things.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hungry, Why wait?

Yesterday was a nice day with the family. As soon as I got back from Orlando, I went to get an appointment for a haircut. My mane is driving me insane!

When I got home, my mom and Moriah were still sleeping (Dakota was off to legoland with our good pal, Ben). They got up and ready and we went to see the Hunger Games. It was really good. I am mostly past the whole oppressive dystopian literature thing, but one must admit those stories are compelling on some basic freedom instinctual level. I was an enjoyable film, and I do love Woody Harrelson and Jennifer Lawrence. Donald Sutherland is great at the understated evil thing in the role of the President. Oh and Lenny Kravitz was sweet and groovy. My mom will now surely make me read the books, which is fine.

Then we had lunch at Chick-Fil-A which always makes me happy.

Dakota and Ben returned from Legoland and we had a nice dinner, an appreciation of the bounty our Florida weather allows. Fresh corn, ripe tomatoes, watermelon, fresh green beans, biscuits and thinly sliced steak. It was delicious. Then I made some brownies from scratch (not my favorite recipe) to go with our fresh strawberries. It was tasty. My mama, Ben and I watched the Blind Side together (I love that movie).

It was a nice and relaxed day.

Today we are cleaning the house. Moriah and I are going to get our haircut; I think I am going to go back to my signature pixie. Then I am babysitting for a family I have yet to sit for, which always makes me nervous but I am sure it will go just fine.


Thursday, March 22, 2012


My first ever attempt at an Apple lattice pie, and I think only my second pie ever. Looks like I found a new way to procrastinate today. The leaves are really pretty though, right? This is a before it went in the oven photo. It's baking now, but I will be sure to put up an after photo.

I am making my lunch right now, a chicken caesar salad. But after that I am going to finish my book before Ricky gets home. By putting it on here I am now making myself accountable!

Finished Product

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I want to be able to look back

I am going to try to start blogging about life. I think it will be great to be able to look back at things, and my attempts to journal didn't work so well. However, knowing that someone might be reading what you are writing may be incentive to write. :)

Here are some things going on with me right now:

Yesterday I gave up my iPhone. It wasn't an easy choice, but I think it was the right one. I wasted a lot of time on it, and while it did have some convenient tools; I think it mostly turned off my mind and helped me to tune out others. I now have a Pantech Link for which I got an adorable hot-pink and tangerine case:

I am currently on spring break, and am staying with my wonderful boyfriend, Ricky, at his apartment in Orlando. While he is working I am trying to get work done on my long-incomplete senior research. Then we he gets home from work we can have nice relaxing time together, I can feel more assured he is eating real meals, and I don't have to miss him quite so much (for a few days at least).  However, being the most distract-able girl in history here are a few things I have don't today instead of my paper:

Cleaned and reorganized his closet
Washed sheets and comforter and made the bed
Cleaned the kitchen
Dusted the entire apartment
Made a budget spreadsheet to keep track of my expenditures each month
Finally switched my student loans to a graduated repayments plan so I can end the forbearance
Researched requirements to becoming a Montessori School teacher
Caught up on reading Aja and Nicki's blogs
And probably some other stuff I forgot

So yeah, I am going to have to buckle down on that paper a little more tomorrow.